Monday, July 2, 2012

Keep the Dentist At Bay

I have not seen a dentist in over ten years. I have never had a cavity or any form of gum disease. My teeth are all healthy and I have no form problems with my gums or teeth. How you may ask? Well, everyone's teeth are different, but are some of things that I have done over the years that have kept me from having ever to see a dentist.

1. Floss regularly. Get that extra food from between of your teeth.

2. Keep brushing your teeth to a minimum. I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but excessively brushing your teeth can eventually wear away the enamel on your teeth. Every now and then try rinsing with Listerine or just brushing your tooth with a soft tooth brush.

3. Reach every corner of your mouth when brushing. Be sure to get plague from your teeth when brushing.

4. Use pre-rinse washing formula and post rinse in the form of Listerine. This ensures a thorough cleaning.

5. It is your choice in deciding to use Listerine. I have been using Listerine for most of my life and I am pretty sure that has helped in keeping my mouth healthy.

These tips should not be mistaken for not going to the dentist. This is just what has worked for me when I was broke and had no money to see a dentist. Remember, be sure to keep yourself extra healthy, clean and safe when you do not have the means to see a doctor or dentist. The last thing you want is having to rely on a broken healthcare system with little to no cash.

Lower Your Allergy Attacks

Many people don't realize that indoor pathogens and dust can be worse than breathing outdoor pollution. Years of dust accumulation, pet dander and mold can cause major health problem. Here are some simple tips to keep your living space clean and healthy.

1. Vacuum regularly. Find a safe eco-friendly vacuum that keeps dirt and debris inside the vacuum the container.

2. Dust regularly. Get rid of as much dirt and dust from your shelves, living room and bedroom.

3. Clean air vents and replace air filters regularly. Usually 3 months is a good time frame to replace your air filter. Otherwise all that dust that your air conditioning sucks in is pushed back back out through your air vents.

4. Take your pets to the groom or groom them yourselves to cut down on pet hair. Loose pet hair can get in the air and blow around your house which can cause allergies and unhealthy air quality.

5. Check for mold. Whether it is in your bathroom or kitchen, be on the lookout for mold forming anywhere in your house. Mold can also cause unhealthy spores to float around your home air, forcing you to breathe it in.

6. Be sure to keep roaches out of your house. Roaches carry many diseases and are able to spread pathogens anywhere in your house, including your kitchen. Be sure to keep the kitchen and anywhere you eat free of food and crumbs. Vacuum and clean your area after you eat.

7. Air fresheners that kill bacteria in the air are great for keeping down germs from spreading in your home.

8. Never allow water or other wet places to sit. This can grow bacteria.

9. Kill flies on sight. Flies getting into your home are unavoidable, but be sure to swat them quickly. Before they flew in your house, many flies had most likely been swarming around dumpsters, feces and have even been spawned from animal corpses lying in the woods. You don't want such creatures swarming around your house and getting on your food and common areas. Lower the fly population by allowing house spiders you catch in the house to live. Just grab a jar, put it over them, slip a piece of paper under them and put them outside. Spiders are great in catching flies and mosquitoes. Be sure, however, to detect the good spiders from the poisonous ones.

10. Clean your basement and attic areas. Especially if your air vents reside around these areas.

How to Maintain Your Video Game Consoles

Video game consoles are expensive investments and little things such as dust and debris can cause major damage to your system over time. Normally consumers do not look at the manuals and simply want to start playing. In the manuals, it states that the systems must be cleaned by vacuuming all dust from the vents regularly. A build-up of dust can cause damage to the internal circuitry and before you know it your hard-earned money is down the drain in the form of a malfunctioning console. Using a vacuum hose would be especially great in keeping out dust. For the play-station 2, make sure the laser lens if free of dust. You can wipe the lens with a soft cloth or use the proper chemicals for cleaning laser lens. Wipe from under around the console and keep the area where your console is clean and free of dust. Be sure to dust regularly as air borne dust can also get in the ventilation. Vacuum extra if you have a dog or cat who sheds a lot of hair.

Be sure your console is at room temperature at all times: not too hot and not too cold would apply. Do not place the back of your console against the wall since there needs to be room for the ventilation to cool your system by blowing out heat. Never place your consoles, or any electronics, on top of each other. The heat generated by the machines could cause the other to malfunction. If you have no other place to store your consoles and other electronics then place a small towel between the devices if you need to place them on top of each other. Following these tips can definitely maintain the life of your console.

How To Heal Canker Sores Faster

The following are tips on how to make your canker sores heal faster. You can use all three suggestions or pick one that is comfortable with you.

1. Gargle with a little peroxide regularly and swish around the wound. Peroxide will keep the bacteria in your mouth from irritating the sore. You can also dip a a q-tip in peroxide and gently brush it on the sore. If you see little bubbles forming on the sore in a mirror that's the peroxide doing its job.

2. Gargle with Listerine and swish around the sore. Do not use the watered down versions, but the strongest Listerine possible. It will have the effect of keeping the bacteria at bay while briefly numbing the pain of the sore. It will be painful at first with the sore coming in contact with Listerine but a beneficial numbing of the wound will be worth it.

3. Follow the directions and use oral anesthetics such as Anbesol. You can get them at your local store. Use a q-tip to dab on the injected area. This will also numb the pain. It is also great for toothaches as well.

Canker sores naturally take time to heal, but these are ways to soothe pain and bring about a healing of your mouth. Hope this helps.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

How to Clean and Maintain Your Piercings

When cleaning water make sure you always have clean water and sea salt. Use sea salt that does not contain iodine. Use 1/4 cup of sea salt with a bottle of water. Mix well and you have your own cleaning solution.